About God
We believe that there is one true, holy, all-powerful, and eternal God who is three distinct persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
About Mankind
We believe that God created mankind to be a perfect reflection of him and crown of his creation, but mankind's disobedience to God has brought pain, suffering, and death to everyone in the world.
About Jesus
We believe that Jesus is true God and true man, the Son of God and the son of Mary, and that by his perfect life, innocent death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead, he has won forgiveness and eternal life for all.
About Faith
We believe that forgiveness, eternal life, and all the other blessings of hope and peace and a restored relationship with God that come with them, become one's own personal possession through the gift of faith.
About the Bible
We believe that the Bible is the completely true and completely reliable Word of God and the only source for everything we need to know to be saved. God gives us his grace through his Word, as well as through Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
More Information

Pastor Jensen would love to meet with you and discuss more about what we believe. He'd be more than happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss, and we also have a class called Grow in Grace designed specifically to dig into what the Bible says about these and many other important topics!

Contact Pastor Jensen Grow in Grace Class

 If you'd like to continue to learn more about what our church believes on your own, you can find a much more detailed resource on what our church teaches on our church body's website. This resource also includes Bible passage references that point to why we believe what we believe, according to what God says in his Word.

More Detailed Beliefs