God tells us that the Scriptures are able to make us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, and all of it is still beneficial for us today. That's why we offer a number of different Bible Classes each week to give everyone the opportunity to continue to learn more and grow in God's Word.
On Sundays, we offer Bible Class for adults and Sunday School for children at 11:45am, after the worship service and fellowship time. Our current study, entitled Songs About Our Savior's Birth explores the depth of the lyrics of the songs we sing in worship by examing some of the well-known and beloved Christmas hymns,
We also offer another Bible Class on Thursdays. This class meets in person at church at 10:00am and on Zoom at 7:30pm. Please reach out to Pastor Jensen for the Zoom Meeting ID. This class is currently taking a look at the John the Baptist, the man chosen to prepare people for the coming of the Savior. We want to have the same attitude about Jesus as John did, saying "He must become greater; I must become less" as we look to him and point others to him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
You can also click here to access the handouts for selected past classes. While these handouts are certainly not the same as being a part of one of the live classes, they may give you a feel about what attending a class would be like or provide some helpful information.
Another great Bible Class resource which you can enjoy from home is our Video Bible Lessons. The current video series, Seeing Our Savior in the Old Testament, will walk you through Old Testament history and show how all of Scripture points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ.